Repotomata main function

repotomata(owner::AbstractString, name::AbstractString; <keyword arguments>)
repotomata(ownername::AbstractString; kwargs...)

Generates a cellular automata animation of the given GitHub repository.


When using the second method, the format must be: "owner/name".


  • epochs::Int=10: the number of generations to compute.
  • width::Integer=500: the output width (height will be automatically computed with the golden ratio).
  • output::OutputType=raw: the output type.
  • output_path::String="": the output path when using OutputType.gif.
  • rule::RuleType=chromatic: the rule to use.
  • seed_treshold::Real=0.58: the threshold on the Perlin noise used as seed.
  • background_color::Colorant=black: the background color.

The input types


The different output types

  • raw: will return a Vector of the created images.
  • viewer: will open the result in a viewer.
  • gif: will create a gif file at the given output_path.

See also: repotomata


The viewer utility function